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10 Years - Automobilwoche Event Programm

Event programm site for the 10 years aniverseriy of Automobilwoche

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10 Years - Automobilwoche - Event program

About the client

Automobilwoche is a highly respected magazine in the automotive industry, delivering comprehensive news, analysis, and features to its readers. Published by the multi-industry publishing conglomerate Crain Communications Inc, Automobilwoche is part of a global network of media outlets that reach millions of readers worldwide. With its headquarters in Detroit, Michigan, Crain Communications Inc has a reputation for providing unparalleled coverage of various industries, including automotive, healthcare, and finance. The company has a strong presence across the globe, with 13 subsidiaries outside of the United States.


To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Automobilwoche, we were commissioned to create a special website for the event. The website provided customers with the ability to register for the anniversary program and access detailed information about the event location. We were thrilled to work on this project and ensure that attendees had all the information they needed to fully enjoy this special occasion.


HTML, JavaScript, Git, PHP, MySQL, Zend Framework

Project info:
10 Years - Automobilwoche - Event program
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